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Claim now 50% offField group | Field | Type | Data type | Description |
Sales | Units | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of units ordered across all transactions, excluding B2B. |
Sales | Units b2b | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of units ordered through business-to-business (B2B) transactions. |
Sales | Total units | METRIC | INTEGER | The sum of all units ordered, including both regular and B2B sales. |
Sales | Order items | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of individual items ordered across all transactions, excluding B2B. |
Sales | Order items b2b | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of individual items ordered through B2B transactions. |
Sales | Total order items | METRIC | INTEGER | The sum of all order items, including both regular and B2B sales. |
Sales | Orders | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of orders placed during the specified time period. |
Sales | Ordered product sales | METRIC | FLOAT | The total monetary value of product sales for regular (non-B2B) orders. |
Sales | Ordered product sales b2b | METRIC | FLOAT | The total monetary value of product sales for B2B orders. |
Sales | Total sales | METRIC | FLOAT | The sum of all product sales, including both regular and B2B transactions. |
Sales | Avg sales per unit | METRIC | FLOAT | The average monetary value of sales per individual unit sold across all transactions. |
Sales | Avg sales per order item | METRIC | FLOAT | The average monetary value of sales per order item across all transactions. |
Sales | Units refunded | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of units that were refunded to customers. |
Sales | Refund rate | METRIC | FLOAT | The percentage of units that were refunded relative to total units ordered. |
Sales | Claims amount | METRIC | FLOAT | The total monetary value of claims granted to customers. |
Sales | Shipped product sales | METRIC | FLOAT | The total monetary value of products that have been shipped to customers. |
Sales | Units shipped | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of individual units that have been shipped to customers. |
Sales | Orders shipped | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of orders that have been shipped to customers. |
Traffic | Browser page views | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of page views from web browsers, excluding mobile app and B2B views. |
Traffic | Browser page views b2b | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of page views from web browsers for B2B customers. |
Traffic | Total browser page views | METRIC | INTEGER | The sum of all page views from web browsers, including both regular and B2B customers. |
Traffic | Mobile app page views | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of page views from mobile apps, excluding web browser and B2B views. |
Traffic | Mobile app page views b2b | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of page views from mobile apps for B2B customers. |
Traffic | Total mobile app page views | METRIC | INTEGER | The sum of all page views from mobile apps, including both regular and B2B customers. |
Traffic | Page views | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of page views across all platforms for regular customers. |
Traffic | Page views b2b | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of page views across all platforms for B2B customers. |
Traffic | Total page views | METRIC | INTEGER | The sum of all page views across all platforms and customer types. |
Traffic | Browser sessions | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of unique browsing sessions from web browsers, excluding mobile app and B2B sessions. |
Traffic | Browser sessions b2b | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of unique browsing sessions from web browsers for B2B customers. |
Traffic | Total browser sessions | METRIC | INTEGER | The sum of all unique browsing sessions from web browsers, including both regular and B2B customers. |
Traffic | Mobile app sessions | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of unique sessions from mobile apps, excluding web browser and B2B sessions. |
Traffic | Mobile app sessions b2b | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of unique sessions from mobile apps for B2B customers. |
Traffic | Total mobile app sessions | METRIC | INTEGER | The sum of all unique sessions from mobile apps, including both regular and B2B customers. |
Traffic | Sessions | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of unique sessions across all platforms for regular customers. |
Traffic | Sessions b2b | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of unique sessions across all platforms for B2B customers. |
Traffic | Total sessions | METRIC | INTEGER | The sum of all unique sessions across all platforms and customer types. |
Traffic | Unit session percentage | METRIC | FLOAT | The percentage of sessions that resulted in unit sales for regular customers. |
Traffic | Unit session percentage b2b | METRIC | FLOAT | The percentage of sessions that resulted in unit sales for B2B customers. |
Traffic | Total unit session percentage | METRIC | FLOAT | The overall percentage of sessions that resulted in unit sales across all customer types. |
Traffic | Order item session percentage | METRIC | FLOAT | The percentage of sessions that resulted in order items for regular customers. |
Traffic | Order item session percentage b2b | METRIC | FLOAT | The percentage of sessions that resulted in order items for B2B customers. |
Traffic | Total order item session percentage | METRIC | FLOAT | The overall percentage of sessions that resulted in order items across all customer types. |
Traffic | Avg offer count | METRIC | INTEGER | The average number of offers available for products during the specified time period. |
Traffic | Avg parent items | METRIC | INTEGER | The average number of parent items (product variations) available during the specified time period. |
Traffic | Feedback count | METRIC | INTEGER | The total number of feedback entries received from customers. |
Traffic | Negative feedback count | METRIC | INTEGER | The number of negative feedback entries received from customers. |
Traffic | Negative feedback rate | METRIC | FLOAT | The rate of negative feedback received from customers. |
Inventory | Total quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The total quantity of inventory available. |
Inventory | Fulfillable quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that can be fulfilled. |
Inventory | Inbound working quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that is currently being processed. |
Inventory | Inbound shipped quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that has been shipped to Amazon. |
Inventory | Inbound receiving quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that is currently being received. |
Inventory | Total reserved quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that is currently reserved. |
Inventory | Pending customer order quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that is currently pending customer orders. |
Inventory | Pending transshipment Quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that is currently pending transshipment. |
Inventory | FC processing quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that is currently being processed by FC. |
Inventory | Researching quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that is currently being researched. |
Inventory | Unfulfillable quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that cannot be fulfilled. |
Inventory | Customer damaged quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that is damaged by customers. |
Inventory | Warehouse damaged quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that is damaged by warehouse. |
Inventory | distributor damaged quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that is damaged by distributor. |
Inventory | Carrier damaged quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that is damaged by carrier. |
Inventory | Defective quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that is defective. |
Inventory | Expired quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that has expired. |
Inventory | Reserved future supply quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that is reserved for future supply. |
Inventory | Future supply buyable quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of inventory that is buyable. |
Order | Order quantity | METRIC | INTEGER | The quantity of order. |
Order | Order item price | METRIC | FLOAT | The price of the order item. |
Order | Order item tax | METRIC | FLOAT | The tax of the order item. |
Order | Order shipping price | METRIC | FLOAT | The shipping price of the order. |
Order | Order shipping tax | METRIC | FLOAT | The tax of the shipping price. |
Order | Order gift wrap price | METRIC | FLOAT | The gift wrap price of the order. |
Order | Order gift wrap tax | METRIC | FLOAT | The tax of the gift wrap price. |
Order | Order item promotion discount | METRIC | FLOAT | The promotion discount of the order item. |
Order | Order ship promotion discount | METRIC | FLOAT | The promotion discount of the order shipping. |
Time | Year | DIMENSION | YEAR | The calendar year for which the data is reported. |
Time | Year month | DIMENSION | YEAR_MONTH | The year and month (YYYY-MM format) for which the data is reported. |
Time | Year month number | DIMENSION | YEAR_MONTH_NUMBER | The year and month as a number (e.g., 202301 for January 2023) for which the data is reported. |
Time | Month | DIMENSION | MONTH_NAME | The name of the month for which the data is reported. |
Time | Month number | DIMENSION | MONTH | The numeric representation of the month (1-12) for which the data is reported. |
Time | Week number(sun - sat) | DIMENSION | WEEK_NUMBER | The week number of the year (Sunday to Saturday) for which the data is reported. |
Time | Week number(mon - sun) | DIMENSION | WEEK_ISO_NUMBER | The ISO week number of the year (Monday to Sunday) for which the data is reported. |
Time | Week start date(sun - sat) | DIMENSION | WEEK_START_DATE | The start date of the week (Sunday) for which the data is reported. |
Time | Week start date(mon - sun) | DIMENSION | WEEK_ISO_START_DATE | The start date of the ISO week (Monday) for which the data is reported. |
Time | Date | DIMENSION | DATE | The specific date for which the data is reported. |
Time | Hour | DIMENSION | HOUR | The specific hour of the day (0-23) for which the data is reported. |
Seller | Seller ID | DIMENSION | STRING | The unique identifier assigned to the seller by Amazon. |
Marketplace | Marketplace ID | DIMENSION | STRING | The unique identifier for the Amazon marketplace where the seller operates. |
Marketplace | Marketplace name | DIMENSION | STRING | The name of the Amazon marketplace where the seller operates (e.g.,, |
Marketplace | Marketplace host name | DIMENSION | STRING | The host name of the Amazon marketplace website (e.g.,, |
Marketplace | Marketplace country code | DIMENSION | COUNTRY_CODE | The two-letter country code of the Amazon marketplace (e.g., US, UK, DE). |
Sales | Total sales currency code | DIMENSION | STRING | The currency code used for reporting total sales figures. |
Product | ASIN | DIMENSION | STRING | The Amazon Standard Identification Number, a unique product identifier. |
Product | SKU | DIMENSION | STRING | The Stock Keeping Unit, a unique identifier for a product assigned by the seller. |
Product | Product condition | DIMENSION | STRING | The condition of the product (e.g., New, Used, Refurbished). |
Product | Product name | DIMENSION | STRING | The name or title of the product as listed on Amazon. |
Product | Product last updated date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date when the product information was last updated. |
Product | Product last updated datetime | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date and time when the product information was last updated. |
Order | Amazon order id | DIMENSION | STRING | The unique identifier assigned by Amazon for a specific order. |
Order | Merchant order id | DIMENSION | STRING | The order identifier assigned by the seller, if different from the Amazon order ID. |
Order | Order purchase date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date when the order was placed by the customer. |
Order | Order purchase datetime | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date and time when the order was placed by the customer. |
Order | Order last update date | DIMENSION | DATE | The date when the order information was last updated. |
Order | Order last update datetime | DIMENSION | DATETIME | The date and time when the order information was last updated. |
Order | Order status | DIMENSION | STRING | The current status of the order (e.g., Pending, Shipped, Delivered). |
Order | Fulfillment channel | DIMENSION | STRING | The method used to fulfill the order (e.g., Amazon FBA, Merchant Fulfilled). |
Order | Sales channel | DIMENSION | STRING | The platform or method through which the sale was made (e.g.,, Amazon app). |
Order | Order channel | DIMENSION | STRING | The specific channel or marketplace where the order was placed. |
Order | Ship service level | DIMENSION | STRING | The shipping speed or service level selected for the order. |
Order | Order item status | DIMENSION | STRING | The current status of individual items within the order. |
Order | Order currency code | DIMENSION | STRING | The currency code used for the order transaction. |
Order | Order ship city | DIMENSION | STRING | The city where the order was shipped. |
Order | Order ship state | DIMENSION | STRING | The state where the order was shipped. |
Order | Order ship postal code | DIMENSION | STRING | The postal code where the order was shipped. |
Order | Order ship country | DIMENSION | STRING | The country where the order was shipped. |
Order | Is business order | DIMENSION | BOOLEAN | Indicates if the order is a business order. |
Order | Is IBA | DIMENSION | BOOLEAN | Indicates if the order is an IBA order. |
Order | Purchase order number | DIMENSION | STRING | The purchase order number of the order. |